
Olympic freestyle wrestling provides numerous benefits for kids.


The intense physical training builds strength, endurance, and agility while improving overall fitness. The disciplined nature of the sport enhances mental toughness, determination, and resilience. Wrestlers learn to strategise and think on their feet, developing problem-solving skills. These attributes readily transfer to other sports, giving kids a competitive edge. The mindset acquired through wrestling fosters discipline and resilience, equipping them to tackle challenges both in sports and in life.

Kids Training No Background


Kids Wrestling - Sunday - 15:30 to 17:30
Kids MMA - Tuesday - 18:00 to 19:00
Kids MMA - Thursday - 18:00 to 19:00
Kids must be above 7 years old to start training.
Kids Wrestling

New Spartans

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Meet The Team

Coach Denzel

Denzel Mclaren
Head Coach

Coach Alibeg

Alibeg Vechedov
Head Coach

Coach Athanasios

Athanasios Maglaras
Functional Fitness Coach